Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The bring back our girls campaign has been a big issue in Africa. In April of 2014; 276 girls were kidnapped from their school. They were kidnapped by a Terrorists group called Boko Haram. According to the #bringbackourgirls facebook it has now been 583 days and no return. 57 escaped and 219 are still missing. This campaign has been going strong since the girls have been missing. They are not giving up hope on finding these girls. All over the world people have the #bringbackourgirls.

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On webpage called Take Action. It talks about how families of the missing girls for over 500 days marched in Nigeria in the hopes that it will help in the rescue of the girls. It also states that to help the campaign women thrive worldwide will deliver the messages that you send directly to the "Bring back our Girls" Campaign in Nigeria so that the families can feel the support. This a custom message from the site:

"I believe every girl has a right to be free from violence and to have an education. I stand with the families from Chibok, Nigeria, whose daughters are still missing and their fight to bring them home. I will work to educated my friends about the need for action to make the world safer for girls who want an education."

Also on this site there is a support button you can click to support the girls.

This campaign is still going strong until the girls have a safe return. These were just a few sites that I saw. There are more that are still out there. No one should have to live with what is happening in Chibok, Nigeria. #BringBackOurGirls

Image result for bringbackourgirlsImage result for bringbackourgirlsImage result for bringbackourgirls

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