Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My first blog entry is about the Dialogue with African Traditional Religion: The Teaching of the Special Synod on Africa.

This is from a Catholic source about dialogue with African Traditional Religion. It discusses the purpose of the dialogue and the expectations that such dialogue must have. The source discusses why dialogue between the church and traditional religion is important and what the goals of the dialogue should be. It discusses problems that can happen during dialogue and the issues for discussion. The focus is on the discussion and comparison of belief systems.

What caught my eye specifically on this blog was the discussion of religion and cultural traditions. I wanted to focus specifically on two specific parts: African Traditional Religion and the necessity of dialogue. I believe personally that when it comes to the topic of religion people often feel they have to push their beliefs on others and get the other people to agree with them. However, I believe that the more you force your belief on another person, the more they will pull away. The source states,
For, the church cannot fulfill her mandate to proclaim the gospel to all creatures without engaging all men in a true and sincere dialogue.
I agree that the dialogue has to be sincere because it isn't just about persuading them but about listening. The source also says,
Theologically, dialogue is a way of fulfilling our obligation to bear witness to God as Father of the one great human family to which we all belong irrespective of the our different faiths commitments.
To me, this is about finding the common ground. Growing up in the church, you see the way people are. As a preacher's kid, I have seen it by going from church to church. You can't force someone into belief. You have to live your belief, but you can't force them because it will just drive them further away.

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