Sunday, November 15, 2015

My next Blog is about the African Wedding Traditions.

On this site I found out about what is called Lobola. Lobola is one of the African customs, The meaning of this custom is when a man wants to marry. They must pay the bride's fee. Which goes to the father of the bride. According to the text it is to

compensate for the ‘loss’ of the man’s daughter.

It also say that Lobola is to join together the families so that they can encourage respect. While some pay Lobola in cash; it is mostly common for the Lobola to be paid with caddle. This was the traditional way. Lobola also shows that the man is most capable financially to make sure his wife is taken care of. It also states that coming up with a price for Lobola can take up to two days.  

Image result for african lobolaImage result for african weddings lobola

Another thing I found interesting about this site is that here most wedding are help mid-day; afternoon. However, African wedding are held at night when the moon is full. It is considered bad luck if the moon is not bright while the wedding takes place. While we may know for wedding to only last one day in our society. African weddings can last up to several days. While in our society we are known for both bride's and groom's parents to attend the wedding. In the African society the parents are not know to attend the wedding because it is a sad moment for them while joyous for the others.

You can learn more at Traditional African Customs. Also on this site you can learn about The Rite of Passage as well as Circumcisions.

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